Let it snow
This will be my last post before Christmas, so I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you if you've visited the Blooming Felt website this past year and if you haven't, well then I'll look forward to seeing you there next year !!
Christmas is a coming
Positive / Negative
The field at the bottom of our garden going up for sale and the very real threat of travellers buying it and setting up camp there.
We go to auction and manage to buy the field ourself with 2 of our neighbours. We are now the proud joint owners of a 5 acre field. I feel the need to buy some sheep and chickens to keep on our part of the field !
My little man has been told he is short sighted and needs to wear glasses
He gets a really funky pair of glasses and looks very intelligent !!
Danyl has just been booted off the X-Factor
Olly is through to the final - YAY !! Come on Essex !!!
TNT have managed to lose my entire shipment of restock felt items !!! The Blooming Felt website is now running at less than 50% stock levels on the felt side. The 4mm thick felt sheets, felt string, plain felt balls and wool roving that are all currently showing as out of stock are likely to remain out of stock until the New Year. I'm so sorry.
The 2cm spotty and spiral felt balls are almost fully restocked, as are the 1.5mm thick felt sheets.
Sales on the website are way down due to TNT's total incompetence - thanks TNT !!!
I've managed to write all of my Christmas Cards and get all of my Christmas Shopping done !
My little man breaks up for the school hols on Thursday - arghhh !
The lie-ins start on Friday !!
There are a couple more positives that I want to mention just so that I can convince myself it's not all doom and gloom on the Blooming Felt front :
- I've got lots of lovely new buttons and ribbons sitting in a box all waiting to be loaded onto the website.
- I did an interview with Sew Hip magazine last week - how exciting is that ?!! It will be in the January issue which I believe will be in shops on the 31st December. What a great start to the New Year that will be (as long as I can get more felt stock of course !!)
And finally, I bought these 2 lovely items of clothing from etsy last night in an attempt to cheer myself up.

Can't wait 'til they arrive !!
Sarah xx
Special Offers & New Products
Next are some little felt flowers in beautiful autumnal colours, each with a teeny bead at their centre. Sold in bags of 25 - containing 5 of each colourway.
Next up - crocheted balls. These are all excess stock that I received and once again, these aren't my standard stock colours, so I'm offering mixed bags of 20 balls.
And finally, these teeny tiny little buttons (apologies for the grainy photos). I've had these sitting in the bottom of a box for a whole year now and it's about time they made their way onto the website. The first lot are called "Inheritance" and the second are called "Stocking Filler". Both come in round and square buttons. Once again, these won't be repeated so grab them while you can.
The gorgeous pink BIG ONE buttons are now on the website, ready for you to snap up and turn into funky button brooches.
Lots of lovely new felt accessories have also been loaded onto the website. A new range of felt bags, corsages, purses and rings are all now available in the "Felt Accessories" sub-category of the "Little Treats" section. Perfect for Christmas (sorry - that word again !!)
Now, I've kept you here for far too long ... off you go and snap up some of those special offers and new products !!
See you soon xx
I'm Famous !!

Then, in the evening as I was leafing through the mag properly I saw this in the "Things We Love" section

Sarah xx
Feeling my age
The downside to being out late, dancing for 2 hours and drinking rather a lot of wine meant that I had a horrible hangover the next day. Not good when I had to get Sam to school (he left his schoolbag at home and we only realised this when we were over half way to school !). And I fear that my age had something to do with the fact that it took me almost a whole day to get over it and start feeling human again. I remember the days when I used to be out drinking and dancing until the early hours of the morning and then be up again 4 hours later and on a train going into my job in London, with very little sign of a headache or tiredness. Never mind - I'll just have to admit that I'm not as young as I used to be ... but still know how to have a good time !
Normal service has been resumed .....

Finally, I have a use for all of those acorn cups that are laying in our garden ! I am definitely going to add these to my "making list" - I can just see them all piled up in a lovely bowl on the kitchen table. Will I get round to making them ? Who knows, but I'll definitely try.
Back to the website now and I forgot to say last time that the giant flad pad bookmarks are now back in stock, so if you were wanting some of these, you can order them now.
And if that's not enough to keep me busy, I'm taking the afternoon and evening off tomorrow and am going to see SPANDAU BALLET !! I am SO excited, I can't tell you. Hopefully I'll be able to get some half decent pictures - we've got very good seats (which cost me an absolute bomb), but I don't care !! I've been listening to them in the car over the last couple of weeks and can't wait to see them live.
That's it for today - see you next time xx
Thank you !!!!

And lastly my fantastic hubby who took time off work (even though he had some important deadlines to meet), so that he could look after Sam & Grace. Thanks P xxxx
My lovely customers

Felt Frenzy
- Wool Roving
- Felt Balls - beaded and plain - new colour now available - C2 which is turquoise
- Felt String
- Felt Sheets
- Felt Pebbles
- Felt Hearts
Child labour is alive and kicking in our house ... Sam & Grace have both been helping me with counting out and bagging up felt balls, stars, pebbles and hearts. They really love helping me with my little business and I have to say that yesterday I couldn't have done without Grace. Fortunately for her (and you !) she only needed to put one of each colour felt star into each bag and she did a brilliant job. We managed to get 80 sets of felt stars bagged up in no time at all !!
Seeing Spots !
Remember the little 15mm red spotty buttons that I sell (well, when I have them in stock that is. But sadly my supplier has been out of stock of the small red spotties for months ... literally). So how do these grab you instead?
One party down, one to go - Grace's party is next weekend so I'm off to put together party bags for her party next Saturday and then thread some of the felt stacks together! It's great being a working mum !!!