1 year old today !!!
Look what I got !
Introducing one nice new shiny embellisher machine !!
Of course, I don't really know what I'm actually going to do with it (ssshhhhh - don't tell Paul pleeeeeease), but I'm sure I'll find a fantastic use for it (I had a quick go on one at the trade fair on Sunday) and I've been scouring flickr for lots of great ideas. I've got a couple of Easter themed things in my mind, but until the machine actually arrives, I don't know whether they'll be possible. So all suggestions gratefully received !!
I've also been scouring all of the fantastic catalogues that I picked up at the trade fair and have a rather long list of "must haves .... when I've got some more money!" Or maybe I should just speak to the bank manager and convince him that he really does need some hand dyed ribbon, and wouldn't he just love some felt garlands and little fabric flowers to brighten his office up ?!!
***** Felt Balls Update *****
A very Productive Day
As I said in a previous post, I had made a list of all the exhibitors I wanted to see, and amazingly enough I did actually get to see them all !! Of course, I was side-tracked by lots of other lovely stands and felt like a real lurker at some of them. One in particular had the most amazing space dyed threads and fabrics which I became slightly obsessed with and kept telling myself that I didn't really need to stock these lovely things and they weren't felt based, so I really shouldn't be buying them ..... but a little voice kept saying "buy me, buy me" But I was strong and even though I was extremely tempted, I just made do with taking away a brochure and a couple of free samples and told myself that I should take some time to think carefully about it before placing an order.
However, I did order some fantastic felting books ... a couple of which haven't been published yet, but 1 of them has been and copies should be on their way to me very soon. Keep an eye out on the website and on this blog for when they arrive. I don't think you'll be disappointed !!!
I've also decided to stock a number of other fantastic items that I think will add to my little range and I hope that once they arrive, you will agree.
My new website seems to be behaving itself now and I have to say I am absolutely amazed at the amount of hits I've been getting. Lots of them have been direct hits, but I've had a huge amount that have come via search engines, which never used to happen on the old site, so it looks like all my hard work on identifying keywords has paid off. I've received a fair few orders as well, so all in all, I'm very pleased.
And now I must sew some labels on to purses !
See you soon
Sarah x
PS. Apologies for the lack of photos in this post !!
It was too good to be true ...
As you can imagine I am VERY VERY cross and someone is going to get a rocket over this !!!
I've changed the servers back to the hosting company but it could take up to 24 hours to propogate around the internet and the world, so if you could just bear with me for a little longer, I would really appreciate it.
Sorry !!
Sarah x
IT'S LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At last - my new website is LIVE !!! And all of the new goodies have been loaded on (with more to come). The only thing I would say is that some of the felt balls are showing as out of stock :o( This is because I had a rather large order for felt balls last night that almost wiped me out !! Not that I'm complaining of course - but it would have been nice to launch the new site with everything in stock. However, I am mainly out of stock of plain / unbeaded balls rather than the beaded ones, but due to the way the website is set up, it shows the particular colour as being out of stock, rather than whether it's the plain or beaded balls. So - if you are interested in purchasing any beaded balls that are showing as out of stock, just email me or contact me through the website and I can send you a paypal invoice.
I've got an order of, ooooooh let me see ......... approximately 11,000 balls in with Nepal. They are going to be busy !! I'll let you know when they're all back in stock.
And to add to my excitement, I had my very first Etsy sale today ! A set of the pink felt balls.
I'm a happy bunny !!
Have a great weekend
Sarah x
They came !!!!
Pen / pencil covers
Coasters - to be sold in sets of 4
Spotty pink heart garlands
A rather lovely bag, in gorgeous shades of brown
This evening will be spent uploading it all to the website ready for sale to all of you lovely people ! And then I'll be spending evening after evening sewing on my little Blooming Felt woven labels that I purchased from etsy a few weeks ago.
I'm hoping the new site will go live tomorrow or Friday, so you should be able to buy from then. There are still a few items outstanding that will be added within the next couple of weeks and I am then hoping to add new designs / products on a regular basis, so do please keep checking the website and this blog regularly for updates - you can always join the mailing list on my website as well to be kept up to date.
And of course, I'm hoping to get some new suppliers at the trade fair on Sunday so will be adding a number of different items to the site after that. And don't forget, all of these items are in addition to the numerous other products that I've shown you in previous posts.
Do let me know what you think - I'd love to hear your comments.
My next post will be to inform you that the site is live.
Until then ...
Sarah x