I am working until at least midnight every night trying to get enough stock together for Sam's school fair on Saturday and am panicking (as usual) that I won't have enough stock. The trouble with this fair (I think) is that I'm catering for both children and adults and so am conscious of the fact that I need to produce lots of pocket money priced items. Thankfully, Samantha at Plump Pudding has come up trumps and has done me some lovely badges - thank you so much Samantha. As soon as they arrive I shall post some pics here. I sat last night and made 20 yoyos to turn into hair bobbles for the girls, and then realised that I didn't have any buttons to finish them off with (durrrrr). I haven't even started on my new idea for the boys keyrings yet - but fingers crossed Mum is on her way over from town with supplies, so I might be able to make a start this evening, and I am manically needle felting felt balls/beads to turn into bobble bracelets.
I really don't know how everyone else is managing to cope with the Christmas rush this year. I take my hats off to all of you lovely ladies (and guys, if any read this blog) who seem to produce absolutely loads and loads of different items and keep up to date with your blogs and shops etc as well. Maybe it's because I have 2 small children to look after and a part-time job as well, but all I know is I can't keep going at this rate !!
Consequently, I have decided to try and source some Fair Trade felt items to add to my own little felt collection and to take the pressure off me slightly.
These are some of the samples that I've had come through this week - I shall be selling them at the Fair on Saturday and if they're popular will be stocking a much wider range for sale through my website and this blog in the New Year. I am also looking to source some felt supplies ie. felt balls which will be sold loose so that they can be bought in whatever quantity the customer likes and can be turned into lovely funky jewellery.
Do let me know your thoughts on my new line - I'd love to hear from you.
And now I'm off to try and make a shepherd's outfit for Sam's Nativity play - no rest for the wicked then !!