Yep - it IS that time of year again.
Anyone who has been following this blog since last year (thanks for sticking with me!) will know that I attended the SALVO Fair at Knebworth House
last year and came home with a cast iron roll top bath.
Today, I managed to spend slightly less (hubby is breathing a HUGE sigh of relief) and was very restrained in my purchasing !
Fortunately, the rain held off all day and the sun made a very welcome appearance after lunch. There was a huge array of exhibitors (I think more than last year) all selling a fantastic selection of reclaimed pieces. From reclaimed stone walling, phoneboxes, pillar boxes, radiators (I have my eye on some), an old movie camera
don't quite know what you'd do with it but it would make a fantastic talking point. Maybe you could convert it to a lamp ? Damn - why didn't I think of that before ??!!!
The most amazing carved wooden statues (from tree trunks)
How about this ? A Timetable !!! Watch faces all on display in a glass topped table. Hmmmm - I wonder if you could open it up and replace them with buttons ?

And that about these ?
I really DON'T know what to suggest to do with these
A ship's figurehead
and a yellow submarine (sorry they're not slightly better photographs - my little man took them!)
Beautiful hand painted reclaimed furniture (complete with needle felted balls) Child not included, although was thinking about accepting offers due to the amount of moaning she was doing !

A miniature shepherd's hut - wish I'd never bought the wendy house now !!
And now my most favourite pieces - which I managed to nab
We're praying for snow again this year as the kids talked us into buying a traditional wooden sledge
A beautiful repainted bistro garden set - now residing here in our garden

Some fantastic willow planters (sorry - forgot to take a photo - doh !)
And ................................................................
drumroll .........................................................
are you holding your breath ?? .....................................................................................
OMG - I am SO excited ...............................
THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A 60 drawer filing cabinet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
60 drawers in which to house all of our lovely buttons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it ????
I have to say - when I saw this unit I started to go a bit giddy !! Hubby raised his eyebrows very high when he saw the price tag but I've watched Bargain Hunt ! I know how to haggle !
So, in I went and asked the very lovely man behind the desk "what's your best price on this". To which he replied "what do you want to pay?" This threw me a little bit, and I replied "not that much !!"
"Make me an offer" he said.
"OK" I said, and knocked £175 off the price !
"I'll need to consult my colleague" he said.
Then, the said colleague came into the marquee. He looked at the price tag and added £100 on to what I'd offered.
"No" I said confidently (although inside I was panicking slightly) and upped my offer by £50 - that's fair I thought - I'm meeting him half way. Actually, I couldn't afford anymore and was just praying that he would say yes. And guess what ?? HE DID !!!
This fantastic unit will soon be residing in BF Shedquarters. It will have a sample of each button glued onto each drawer and then be filled up with all of our lovely button stock. Watch this space for photos of it "in situ"
After that, the children were really starting to whine about how boring it was walking round and asking "when can we go to the adventure park"? So, before I could spend any more money, we headed off to Fort Knebworth for lots of kiddy (and a bit of grown-up) fun.

Another fab day at SALVO, with smiles all round.
You should go, it's really good fun !!